Out of the woods

I haven’t blogged for ages. It’s been a fraught few months - Tiny had major transition after transition, what with surgery, his birthday, leaving nursery and starting school, and his behaviour became increasingly erratic. Probably nothing compared to what some of you lovely people are dealing with day to day, but the incessant yet unpredictable nature of it, along with a few things going on at work and in my wider family really wore me down. For a long time I was knackered and just doing what needed to be done to get though the day. 

Fortunately for all of us, the anticipation turned out to be a lot worse than the fact in terms of Tiny starting school, and he has eased into it pretty well. His teacher is absolutely lovely and very much of the ‘meet them where they’re at’ mentality so he’s getting lots of nurture, and the slightly more structured setting has noticeably increased his confidence in being around other children and participating in group activities. 

My children would probably be the first to agree that I’ve been a bit grumpy and impatient in amongst all of this, but as I’m starting to feel a bit more like myself, the PACE is starting to creep back into my parenting, and I’m starting to feel a lot more reflective again. Which means I need some space to process and I need to start to write again. So let’s see how I go.


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