Special time
We've been trying to implement something called the affection prescription with the children in the last few months. It's much easier said than done, and we're currently taking it in the spirit of the idea rather than follow it to the letter. The basic principle is about ensuring that you are spending quality, child-led time with each of your children individually. The prescription is for 10 minutes first thing, 20 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes in the evening, which doesn't sound like much on paper, but the practicalities of daily life mean that it's very much a work in progress here... the main problem being that the ratio is often one adult to both children, and quality time usually means something different to each of them, so unless we're both around, it can be a challenge. One thing we have consistently implemented, however, is 10 minutes of quality, child-led time for each of them at the very beginning of their bedtime routines. We alternate ch...